Black and whit image of candle burning

Burn the candle

Another year is on the brink of coming to an end and I'm seeing a few trends play out in my inbox:

Last minute calls to get gifts in time for Christmas
Clearance sales of brands making space for new collections
Talk of game plans and goal setting for 2024

I wandered this week, what shall I send you?

What do you need to hear?
What can you do without?

I even started re-working a blog draft I've had sitting around for weeks with my own suggestions on goal-setting and thought to myself: it is that time of year, people, to some extent, are expecting that.

So, instead of sharing the typical end-of-year narrative I planned, I'm going to go off course and share a simple message posted on a personal account last week. Why? Mostly because I was struck at the private messages I received about it and the beautiful and intriguing conversations that stemmed from the topic at hand.

If BRAVER is anything to me, it's that it gets it's heartbeat from having oh how very human of me conversations. It feels like a good time to share a simple life experience I've had, and a better perspective that stemmed from it. To one extent, I know it shows a layer of personal vulnerability, something I've leaned into alot more this year and learned: is one way to be Braver.

Here's the post I shared:

Burn The Candle

I used to save candles when I was a young girl... I had a collection... I remember one of my 'extra special ones' was vanilla coloured and had gold stars stuck all over it... it never got lit... I was saving it for some unknown special occasion... I remember packing it into a box when we left our farm.. we never saw those boxes again...

Burn the candle
Ask the questions
Say your peace
You never know the last time
Burn the candle

I'd love to hear what your "candle" is/was. Feel free to comment or share with me in a private message. Thank you for being Braver, thank you for being here, Astrid.


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