Not Trying, Training
Over the past few weeks I've been pondering a phrase I find can have many compelling layers to how we perceive it:
I'm trying.
As we move through life, we all have the ability to bring a unique perspective to the table on how we see the world, how we interact with it and how we experience it.
From the conditioning we were raised on, to what we're allowing to shape our mindset as adults, will mean a shared experience is not set in stone to be received by each of us in the same way.
As our conditioning shapes our perceptions, so the same can apply to the words we use, and how each one perceives them will vary.
Phrase: I tried.
My perspective through my lens: Trying isn't commitment, it's an attempt. So should we be surprised with the outcome we get when we 'try'?
In this next week to follow we'll be launching a new print in our shop. In preparation for the reveal, I wanted to share the Braver perspective on the meaning behind the new print titled:
Not trying. Training.
We aren't bringing this phrase to you from a stance purely based in physical training. At Braver we acknowledge the same brain we use in daily life is the same we use in movement, and so when we grow physically better we have the ability to grow mentally better.
Our one goal for this new print is that it acts as a prompt, if even to one person, to get curious around why your 'trying' is not working, and how 'training' may be the piece you need to push the envelope (in any and all areas of your life.)
If you're reading this as the result of being a subscriber to our news, you'll be the first to hear when the print goes live next week. If you haven't subscribed yet, be sure to do so and become a part of the exclusive village where we share content with you before socials get it.
Stay Braver out there, Astrid
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1 comment
Absolutely true, unfortunately not many of us COMMIT !!
My poster on my wall throughout my corporate career read: